Yoni Steaming is a deeply nourishing, ancient self care practice that has been handed down for generations and cultures the world over.
It has the ability to ease the transition through our many life phases as cyclical women. Releasing stress, trauma and stagnation within the body and facilitating a deep and profound connection to our inherent Womb Wisdom.

I was first introduced to Yoni steaming a decade ago by a beautiful friend and healer who was supporting me through the loss of my second pregnancy and my ongoing conception journey.

My relationship to steaming was very simple and rustic, on the floor with my yoga bolster for support, kneeling over a warm bowl of herbs. 

I selected these herbs intuitively, to cleanse and clear my womb and to re-establish my heart-womb connection, therefore helping me to trust and be open to conceive again. 

This was a journey and a powerful initiation of womb wisdom and self healing that held and supported me when I lost my 3rd pregnancy at 14.5weeks. I was determined to have a different experience and deeply committed to birth our tiny baby with the same respect and attention as if I was birthing a full term.

Working with a combination of yoni steaming, womb massage, gentle yoga and my naturopath I was able to support my womb to release, to birth our tiny baby boy at home. 

This was a drastically different experience from my previous medically managed loss and one that was deeply healing for me.

"I have used Yoni Steaming to heal from pregnancy loss, recover after birth, regulate my cycle and nourish the connection to my womb wisdom, intuition, creativity and vitality."
How Yoni Steaming Works


“Yoni steaming works to support the flow of energy (chi), blood and lymphatic flow in the body, specifically in the pelvic area. 

This increase in circulation encourages the softening and release of blocked & stagnant energy and tissues within the body”.

Yoni Steaming by its very nature relaxes our tissues and increases circulation. As the warm steam permeates and relaxes our tissues, it increases blood and energy circulation in the lower regions of our body assisting to clear out blockages, stagnation and impurities. 

This tends to increase the efficiency of our menstruation by nourishing the vaginal, cervical and uterine tissues to encourage release of old blood/discharge and encourage regeneration of cells.

Herbs used for Yoni Steaming nourish the porous mucosal tissues of our yoni and increase circulation to the womb, reproductive organs and the entire pelvic region. This can be helpful and supportive when addressing menstrual irregularities, such as short or long cycles, clearing stagnation (often experienced as brown (old) blood) and improving flow which often tends to reduce pain and bloating. 

A deeply relaxing practice, yoni steaming can also support the release of oxytocin within the body. A hormone and neurotransmitter, Oxytocin is associated with empathy, trust, relationship building and counteracts the stress hormone Cortisol. 

In a steaming practice, mind and body are able to slow down to allow a deeper awareness of sensation and feeling in the body, inviting us to soften and let go. 

Yoni Steaming can be beneficial for those seeking support to;

∞           Gently invite relaxation and awakening of our feminine essence, connection to self, creativity and passion

∞           Softly open us to awaken and heal emotional, physical and sexual trauma, womb and heart wounds

∞           Tone and promote healing to vaginal, perineum and anal tissues

∞           Support healthy libido, intensify orgasm and reignite our sacred sexuality

∞           Support cycle regulation, reduce painful periods, bloating and stagnation

∞           Promote healing of vaginal tears, episiotomy and scaring post-partum

∞           Encourage release and clearing following pregnancy loss or termination

∞           Support the journey of healing with uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst’s, PCOS, endometriosis, uterine weakness and prolapse

∞           Assist with healing haemorrhoids.  Relieving yeast infections and UTI’s

∞           Support pelvic discomfort, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness or tightness

∞           Ease the transition through menopause and rites of passage

∞           Support reconnection to womb energy following hysterectomy

How to use your Goddess Seat for yoni Steaming

Take a 1/4 cup of your herbs and gently drop into a just boiled pot of water. Stir and cover. Allow to steep for 5 minutes. 

I prefer to steam in the evening and so use this time to shower and get in my robe. Check to see if the herbs are still steaming and gently reheat if necessary.

Pour into your chosen (preheated) bowl and place gently inside your Goddess Seat.

Sit down, get comfortable, making sure you’re warm and the steam can’t escape. 

Be mindful of the temperature of the steam. If you can’t comfortably sit over the steam you know it’s too hot, move immediately to release steam, open your legs and adjust or wait until the temperature is comfortable. *delicate vulva tissues can scald quickly if steam is too hot*

Relax, connect with your breath and your body. Begin to tune into your womb.

Sit for 10 minutes or until the steam is no longer enjoyable.  

Meditate, listen to music, or sit in silence. Enjoy this dedicated time for yourself.

I like to journal in bed or lay down straight after and find deep slumber and healing tends to follow a steam.

There are a few precautions to be aware of;

  • Do not steam when you are bleeding or have fresh spotting
  • Do not steam if you have any type of IUD
  • Do not steam if you are pregnant or think you may be
  • Do not steam during or immediately after ovulation if trying to conceive

I am Certified Yoni Steam Practitioner and International Institute of Complimentary Therapies (IICT) Approved Training Provider in the healing modality of Yoni Steaming with over 10 years experience with this practice. 

I offer 1:1 personalised Yoni Steaming Consultations, Introductory Yoni Steaming Workshops and a Certified Practitioner Training in Yoni Steaming.  If you feel called to your own beautifully created vaginal steam stool or would like to get more information or order herbs please use the contact form below or if you’d prefer to chat over the phone or in person let me know in your message and i’ll be in touch.